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Frequently Asked Questions
When does registration for the 2025 Millennium Marathon open?
Procedures for registration will be communicated soon.
How do I register?
Procedures for registration will be communicated soon.
How much for registration?
GH₵ 100 goes for Locals and $35 and $45 for international participants based on selected race.
Health & Training
Should I run if I have a cold?
Exercise and your immune system have an interesting relationship. Moderate amounts of exercise on a regular basis strengthen your immune system and give you resistance against colds and other upper respiratory tract infections.
However, this is one case in which more is definitely not better. Long and intense training can actually weaken your immune system and increase the chance of getting sick. Catching a cold or getting the flu immediately after finishing the marathon is very common because your immune system takes a big hit.
What do I do if I get a cramp?
Despite the common occurrence of muscle cramps, why they happen is still something of a mystery. A common misconception is that cramps are caused by dehydration or an imbalance in electrolytes. Drinking a sports drink on your long runs, although important to maintain hydration, won’t prevent you from cramping.
Muscle cramps are more likely caused by an increase in your running pace and premature muscle fatigue, which affects your nervous system’s ability to relax a muscle after it contracts. Cramping is also associated with a family history of muscle cramps and a personal history of cramping and tendon or ligament injuries.
What should I consume during the marathon?
Exactly what you should consume in the marathon depends on what your stomach can handle, but you definitely want to make sure you consume enough carbohydrate to delay glycogen depletion and hypoglycemia and enough fluid to delay dehydration. Both conditions cause you to slow your pace. Taking carbs and fluid at regular intervals throughout the race can make a huge difference in how you feel and perform.
Race Info
When is the 2025 Millennium Marathon?
The Millennium Marathon will take place on Saturday, 6th September 2025.
Who can run?
Anyone who is interested and meets the registration requirements can participate in the 2025 Marathon. We encourage runners of all ages and skill levels to join us
Accomodations & Travel
Will accommodation be provided for runners outside Accra?
No. However, elite runners can call our office line for assistance on accommodation.
Will there be subsidies on hotels?
Please call our office if you are an elite runner.
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